
Supporting Your Child's Golf Journey

As a parent or guardian, you play a crucial role in nurturing your child's passion for golf and helping them develop into a well-rounded athlete. Competing Mind is here to guide you on how to support your child's golf game from a sport and performance psychology perspective. Here are some tips and insights to aid in your child's journey in junior golf.

Understanding Junior Golfers


Junior golfers are unique and require a special approach. Here's what you need to know:

  • Patience is Key: Junior golfers may face challenges and setbacks as they learn the game. Be patient and provide a supportive, positive environment.

  • Enjoyment Comes First: Encourage your child to have fun on the course. Building a love for the game is essential for long-term success.

  • Age-Appropriate Expectations: Recognize that your child's skills will develop over time. Set age-appropriate goals and expectations for their performance.

  • Communication is Vital: Maintain open and constructive communication with your child. Listen to their thoughts and feelings about the game.

Tips for Parents and Gaurdians

  • Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge your child's efforts and accomplishments on the golf course. Offer praise and encouragement to build their self-confidence.

  • Maintain a Balanced Perspective: Emphasize that golf is just one part of their life. Encourage them to balance their interests and responsibilities.

  • Learn Together: Familiarize yourself with golf. Attend their practice sessions and games. This shows your support and helps you understand the game's challenges.

  • Mental Game Training: Introduce your child to basic mental skills. Visualization, goal setting, and managing emotions can significantly improve their performance.

  • Embrace Mistakes: Golf is a game of learning. Mistakes are part of the process. Help your child view errors as opportunities for growth.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Work with your child to set achievable goals. These goals can include score improvements, skill development, or enjoying the game.

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Even small achievements deserve recognition. Celebrate birdies, great putts, or successful sand saves.

  • Encourage Healthy Competition: Support your child in friendly competitions with their peers. These experiences foster a competitive spirit and camaraderie.

  • Provide a Stress-Free Environment: Ensure that golf remains enjoyable and stress-free. Avoid placing excessive pressure on your child's performance.

Resources for Parents and Guardians

Books & Articles

Explore books and articles on junior golf and sport psychology to expand your knowledge.


  • Recommendations to come.

Sports Psychologists

Consider consulting a sports psychologist who specializes in junior athletes. They can provide tailored guidance.

Competing Mind is your ally in helping your child succeed in golf. We provide resources and support to guide you through the challenges and joys of your child's golf journey. Remember that your encouragement, positivity, and understanding are invaluable in shaping your child into a skilled and confident young golfer.