What is Competing Mind?

Set up with the ambitions of helping everyone to reach their next level, Competing Mind looks to apply up-to-date scientific sport and performance psychology theory to help all competitors win the battle within.

What services are provided?

Competing Mind provides psychological assistance, interventions, and workshops designed to assist competitors in achieving their optimal potential. To learn more about the available options, please see the most relevant tab above.

Who can avail of these services?

Up to now, Competing Mind has been working with people across a number of sporting, performing, and business domains. However, the benefits of applying this psychological theory is not confined to just athletes, or performers so if you would like to discuss how Competing Mind can help you, then please get in touch to discuss more.

Where is Competing Mind based?

For in-person consultations, Competing Mind serves the East and South of Ireland. However, with online options available, it ensures a global reach to all of those interested.