
Much of your time as a coach is probably spent trying to improve the performances of some of your students, however, from time to time, it can be beneficial to reflect upon your own coaching and mental performance. Thankfully, there are several psychological principles and techniques that can be applied to maximise your coaching. Competing Mind is here you help you grow your own coaching skillset, enabling you to offer a holistic coaching experience that will help you get the most out of your performers.

How can Competing Mind help you?

Why not take your coaching performance to the next level through developing a number of the areas that are mentioned below:

  • Establishing Trust

  • Performance Profiling

  • Promoting Challenge States

  • Expanding Coaching Toolbox

  • Giving Effective Instructions

  • Enabling Confidence Growth

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Supporting Long-term Development

  • Coach-Performer Relationship

  • Optimal Motivational Climate

  • Understanding Skill Acquisition

  • Utlising Deliberate Practice

  • Holding Performers Attention

  • Coping Effectiveness Training

  • Unlocking Flow States

  • Assisting in Career Transitions

This list is not exhaustive, to discuss these services and more please get in touch.

Available Options

Individual Session

60-minute session.

In between spending your time taking your performers skills to the next level, these coaching sessions are ideal to ensure your own skillset continues to progress. Such sessions are ideal for furthering your understanding of the key psychological principles related to coaching and perfomance. Whilst also helping you to integrate these principles and techniques into your own coaching style and furthering your potential offerings to your clients.

(Get in contact to discuss pricing)

Coaching Observations

Available in 60 or 90-minute sessions.

The success of your own coaching performance is dependent on how your performers engage and react to your coaching style. The coaching observation will examine your current coaching habits, and communication styles to ensure you create the most effective environment and relationships for skill development. These sessions are ideal to pinpoint areas for future improvement and expansion of your coaching toolbox.

(Get in contact to discuss pricing)


Alternative Options

For joint sessions including coaches and their performers (individuals or teams) please see the teams sections.